



Manufactured by Figures Toy Company, All 8 and 12 inch KISS Action Figures come in a NEW, resealable plastic Clamshell protective case! For the first time ever, collectors can take their figures out of the package without tearing anything away preserving the mint condition of the figure and its Blister Card. You can display the figure just as it comes, in the plastic clamshell which stands by itself, or take it out and pose him individually. This is what collectors have always wanted. Now available through Figures Toy Company!
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Nuove "old style" action figures in arrivo!! In tutto e per tutto uguali alle mitiche Mego doll degli anni '70.



After promoting Ortsbo.com Gene Simmons catches up with 8747Productions.com and Comicbookmovie.com covering a variety of topics including:
1. How did KISS choose Audio Engineers and Producers to work with
2. Gene's thoughts on Comic icon Stan Lee
3. How KISS maintained their "Secret Identities" or "Alter Ego's" in the 70's and early 80's
4. Marvel Comics VS. DC
5. KISS in Israel 2012
6. Thoughts on modern comic movie adaptations
7. The 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates

Here the chat with Stan Lee at Sundance Film Fest: part1 part2 part3

KISS will soon start their Worldwide Tour in support of the upcoming Monster album sometime in the Summer, as recently revealed by Gene Simmons. The "Monster Tour" will last almost two years and it will take the band to numerous countries throughout Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. Rumors say Mötley Crüe will join forces with KISS for an extensive US-Canada tour this fall. Last week KISS Manager Doc McGhee told The Music Network that they have plans to tour Australia in 2013. Now DeuceNews.com has received confirmation from the Italian promoter KISS will Tour Italy too sometime in 2013. To be in Italy in 2013 means KISS will tour Europe not before next year lowering the chanches to see them headlining some rumored Summer Festivals...will see!


I KISS partiranno questa estate per il loro tour mondiale a supporto del prossimo album MONSTER, come recentemente rivelato da Gene Simmons. Il "Monster Tour" durerà quasi due anni e porterà la band in numerosi paesi in tutta Europa, Sud America, Asia e Australia. Circolano voci che i Mötley Crüe si uniranno ai KISS per la  tournée in USA-Canada questo autunno. La scorsa settimana Doc McGhee, Manager dei KISS ha rivelato a The Music Network che hanno in programma di fare date in Australia nel 2013. Ora DeuceNews.com ha ricevuto conferma dal Promoter italiano dei KISS che la band sarà in tour anche in Italia nel 2013. Essere in Italia nel 2013 significa che i KISS saranno in tour in Europa non prima del prossimo anno e quindi riducendo le possibilità di averli come headliner nei prossimi Festival estivi...vedremo!

Last summer Eric Singer while chatting with Mitch Lafon from bravewords.com revealed that "The plan is to put it out [new album] at the beginning of the year and to do a tour with a new stage (new staging and new show) and maybe even new costumes." Recently Eric McKenna from Boogie Street showed a Paul's purple flying V and Gene had a new Punisher painted red for next tour, in addition Eric during his recent Euro trip had his new drum sticks painted green...will the rumored new costumes show up the iconic colours like the Dynasty/Unmasked outfits? Last week KISS shooted photos for the upcoming Monster album and Summer Tour...so announcement will come shortly and the wait will be over!

The new Punisher by Gentry Riley
The new Punisher by Gentry Riley

L'estate scorsa, Eric Singer chiacchierando con Mitch Lafon di bravewords.com rivelò che "Il piano è quello di farlo uscire [il nuovo album] all'inizio dell'anno e di fare un tour con un nuovo allestimento per il palco ed nuovo spettacolo) e forse anche nuovi costumi ". Recentemente Eric McKenna da Boogie Street ha mostrato una  flying V di Paul viola  e Gene si è fatto dipinger di rosso un nuovo Punisher per il prossimo tour, inoltre Eric durante il suo recente viaggio in Europa ha portato le nuove bacchette colorate di verde...se ci saranno nuovi costumi rifletteranno i colori dei personaggi come fatto per il periodo Dynasty-Unmasked? Settimana scorsa i KISS hanno scattato le foto per la copertina di Monster e per il prossimo Tour estivo... per cui l'annuncio ufficiale arriverà a breve e l'attesa sarà finita!

Paul Stanley



Today the greatest frontmant in rock and roll history turns 60, DeuceNews wishes Paul a rocking b-day!!


Buon compleanno a Paul Stanley che oggi compie 60 anni!

The actual birthday cake
The actual birthday cake



Rock Icon Gene Simmons of KISS will host a Live Q&A with Comic Book Legend Stan Lee featuring web video with real-time translation for audiences worldwide to log on and ask questions. Ortsbo.com, the real-time experiential language translation platform, is teaming up with two of pop culture’s legendary names Stan Lee and Gene Simmons for “Ortsbo Live and Global at the Sundance Film Festival.”
Lee and Simmons will be on hand to tell stories, take questions from fans and discuss Lee’s documentary, “With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story,” which will premiere during the festival. The documentary Lee’s journey from the early days of his Depression-era upbringing through the Marvel Age of Comics to his current company POW! Entertainment.  As part of Ortsbo’s new platform viewers can watch the Q and A live via an online broadcast video stream with multi-lingual closed captioning in the broadcast language of their choice. Fans and media alike can be a part of this worldwide event by logging on at Ortsbo.com and submitting questions to Lee and Simmons. Available in more than 50 languages, the live Q and A will be instantly translated by the Ortsbo service, enable users from around the world to send and receive messages in their native language. Interviews with Gene Simmons are available upon request to discuss the pioneering technology and platform. If you are unable to attend, questions can be asked through press queue online on Ortsbo.com.
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time:  12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Mountain (7:45 p.m. GMT)                                              
Where: Canyons Grand Summit Resort Kokopelli Grand Ballroom Parlor 1
4000 The Canyons Resort Dr. Park City, UT 84098

Paul Stanley Washburn



The PS2012 features a carved “raised center” solid Mahogany body with chrome hardware, and has two Seymour-Duncan® SM-3 Mini Humbuckers, controlled by two volume knobs, two tone knobs, and a 3-way toggle switch. A custom Tone-Pros® Tune-O-Matic bridge and custom Paul Stanley tailpiece machined from solid aluminum completes this rocking body. This USA made guitar is available in Black and White.  The neck is also Mahogany and has a bound ebony fingerboard with 22 Jumbo frets and stunning “split” block inlays, with the top half being Pearl, and the bottom being Abalone. The PS2012 Starfire embodies rock and roll in a way only Paul Stanley and Washburn can. Washburn Guitars is owned by US Music Corp, located in Mundelein, IL.
For more information on Washburn Guitars, visit www.washburn.com




Gene Simons: "KISS foto session yesterday. Album and tour coming. Soon."
Tommy Thayer: "Heading into town to meet Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, and Eric Singer for album cover photo shoot".

It's cool to know that the cover might include photos of the real band (hopefully with new costumes) and not just illustrations. Nonetheless Paul Stanley revelead back in May last year that the new album cover should be similar to the Destroyer one...will see soon!


Oggi sessione di foto per la copertina del nuovo album (come riportato da Tommy Thayer). Speriamo che ci siano davvero delle foto con magari i nuovi costumi e non solo immagini della band, così come aveva annunciato ancora a maggio dello scorso anno Paul...vedremo presto!!


According to LiveGuide.com.au "Rock and roll superhero supergroup KISS has confirmed that they will be touring Australia next year. Their manager, Doc McGhee, told The Music Network that they have plans to come to Australia "next year. 2013".
Recently Gene Simmons revealed KISS will embark in a almost two years tour throughout Europe, South America and Asia, starting this summer in support of the forthcoming "MONSTER" album; a tour that "promises to take technology to the extreme". More

Secondo quanto riporta LiveGuide.com.au Doc McGhee ha confermato che i KISS saranno in Australia nel 2013. Recentemente Gene Simmons ha rivelato che i KISS inizieranno il loro tour per la promozione di MONSTER (tour della durata di quasi due anni) questa estate, e che li porterà in Europa, Sud America e Asia.
Sono previsti nuovi effetti altamente tecnologici sul palco e forse nuovi costumi. Altro



Although still astonished our bands KISSOLOGY and JulietKISS did not make the top 20 World Tributes according to Tommy Thayer's teste we are proud to let you know their next shows

KISSOLOGY Unmasked @ DueBaci

JulietKISS Live @ Midian


Benchè ancora allibiti dal fatto che le nostre bands non siano state inserite nella top 20 secondo i gusti Tommy Thayer vi inviatiamo ad assistere ai loro prossimi fantastici shows

KISSOLOGY Unmasked al DueBaci il 20 Gennaio

JulietKISS Live @ Midian Via delle Industrie 24 Cremona

Paul Stanley along with friend and Engineer Greg Collins are busy these days at The Nook, mixing the 14 tracks recently recorded by KISS. While Sonic Boom was recorded on analog tape and edited in Pro Tools this time around with Monster KISS used analog tape while tracking to Pro Tools in real time (CLASP system) opening up the sonic space of tape while providing the editing capabilities of the digital recording workspace.  Paul stated way back in November that "CLASP allows us to go ‘back to analog’ for all the warmth and classic sonic characteristics but with all the convenience and advantages of Pro Tools" Collins followed "for me, the tape sound, for a hard rock band, is the ideal sound. It deals with the transients in a way that’s really nice and easy on the ears. Drums for instance – it keeps them sounding punchy and powerful, but not ‘painful,’ like you might associate with a digitally recorded drum sound." Be ready to be stormed away by a sonic assault on MONSTER! The album is set for a June release along with a 10 hours DVD collection and a 4 foot high book.

Paul Stanley insieme con l'amico ed l'ingegnere Greg Collins sono al The Nook in questi giorni per mixare i 14 brani recentemente registrati da KISS.
Mentre di Sonic Boon è stato registrato su nastro analogico e modificato in Pro Tools questa volta con Monster Kiss hanno usato nastri analogici alimentando Pro Tools in tempo reale (sistema CLASP) sfruttando l'ampio spettro sonoro del nastro e sfruttando le funzionalità di editing della registrazione digitale.
Paul ha dichiarato a novembre che "CLASP ci permette di andare 'in analogico' ottenendo tutto il calore ed il classico suono del nastro, ma con tutte le comodità ed i vantaggi di Pro Tools" Collins ha aggiunto che "per me, il suono del nastro, per una band hard rock, è il suono ideale. Il suono diventa molto più piacevole alle orecchie, per esempio il suono della batteria rimane incisivo e potente, ma non 'fastidioso' come spesso accade nelle registrazioni digitali." State pronti ad essere aggrediti dall'assalto sonoro di Monster! L'album è programmato in uscita a giugno insieme con una raccolta in DVD di 10 ore di DVD ed un nuovo mega libro.


Recently Gene has been invited by London Business School to present a private lecture to its students. Here below some interesting excerpt read all article here
Back to music, here the photo of the new GSAXE-2 guitar by Cort that will officially be unveiled at the 2012 NAMM trade show.
“Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to human beings.”
“The welfare state sounds wonderful but it doesn’t work. Governments hand out more money than they have to support welfare and they land in debt."
“The first thing I would do if I was the benevolent dictator of planet Earth would be to fire all politicians – who are basically university lecturers in positions of power."
“We created this miserable economic state. It’s like fat people who think it’s the bakery’s fault they got fat. No, you kept going in there and you kept eating cake"

Recentemente Gene è stato invitato dalla London Business School per presentare una lezione privata ai suoi studenti. Qui di seguito un interessante estratto, mentre potete leggere tutto l'articolo qui. Per quanto riguarda la musica qui la foto della nuova GS GUITAR AXE-2 della Cort che sarà presentata al NAMM di quest'anno.
"Il capitalismo è la cosa migliore che sia mai capitato agli esseri umani".
"La parola stato sociale suona meravigliosa, ma non funziona. I governi distribuiscono più denaro di quello che hanno per assistenzialismo e finiscono per essere schiacciati dai debiti".
"La prima cosa che farei se fossi il benevolo dittatore del pianeta Terra sarebbe sarebbe quella di licenziare tutti i politici - che sono sostanzialmente dei docenti universitari in posizioni di potere".
"Siamo noi che abbiamo creato questa situazione economica miserabile. Come quelle persone grasse che pensano che sia colpa delle pasticcerie se sono diventati grassi. No, è colpa loro che hanno continuato ad andare là e hanno continuato a mangiarsi torte un giorno dopo l'altro."



In the coming days we will see which band will be the Hottest in the KISS Tribute World [KISS TRIBUTE BAND CONTEST]. Now it's time to know better the Italian Tribute Band KISSOLOGY, Here a cool chat with the boys, enjoy!

Be ready to vote our bands JulietKISS and KISSOLOGY next week at the KISS Tribute band Contest!!


Nei prossimi giorni scopriremo chi sarà la più calda KISS Tribute nel mondo [KISS TRIBUTE BAND CONTEST]. Ora è tempo di conocsere meglio i KISSOLOGY di Genova, Qui una recente chiacchierata con i ragazzi, buona lettura!

State pronti a votare le nostre band JulietKISS e KISSOLOGY settimana prossima al KISS Tribute band Contest!!



United States Patent and Trademark Office

Goods and Services:

IC009.USXXXXX: Sound recordings featuring music; sound and video recordings featuring music and musical performances; downloadable software in the nature of mobile telephone applications; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books and e-books; downloadable ring tones and music; all of the foregoing relating to the musical group KISS
IC 016. USXXXXX: A series of books relating to the musical group KISS.

IC 041. USXXXXX: Entertainment services, namely, live performances by a musical group; entertainment in the nature of traveling tours featuring music; publishing of books and e-books; multimedia publishing of books and electronic publications; providing nondownloadable electronic publications in the nature of books and e-books; all of the foregoing relating to the musical group KISS


I KISS hanno depositato il marchio qui riprodotto per essere usato per prodotti musicali e una serie di libri...


November last year Gene Simmons revealed to Planet Rock UK Bob Ezrin was remixing Destroyer. Currently Universal Records official release plan says KISS' "Destroyer" deluxe edition is scheduled for release on Feb 27th 2012 (in Europe) and Feb 28th (in North America). The album will be released as Deluxe edition (2CDs set) featuring outtakes and the original cover art by Ken Kelly with KISS wearing the Alive costumes.
In Novembre Gene aveva rivelato a Planet Rock UK che Bob Ezrin stava lavorando ad una versione rimasterizzata di "Destroyer". Adesso la Universal Records ha tra le sua uscite programmate KISS' "Destroyer" deluxe edition per il 27 Febbraio (in Europa) e il 28 (Nord America). Il cofanetto  (2CD con demo e alternate versions di alcuni pezzi ) avrà come copertina il disegno originale di Ken Kelly (con i costumi di Alive).


Paul checked in with KISSOnline this morning to give us the latest update on the new KISS album:"Friday we officially completed work on the new album. Listening to the tracks back to back is like sensory overload. Everyone who has heard any of it is completely blown away. Powerful, heavy, melodic and epic.
It makes us very proud. You all will be too. Mixing starts next week."

Gene Simmons "KISS Studio Album is done. Great job by Paul producing. Tommy (Thayer) and Eric (Singer) = really kicked it up a notch. Without overstating the obvious, when you hear the album, every single track rocks. No ballads. No outside writers. No keyboards. No children's choirs. No nothin'. Just meat and potatoes."

Read MONSTER chronicles here


Nuovo aggiornamento da Paul e Gene, le registrazioni sono terminate venerdì e da settimana prossima inizierà la fase di mixaggio.Tutte le news su MONSTER qui



Classic Rock Magazine February issue presents 6 MONSTER's track titles and Paul's commentary!!
1 It's a long way down
2 Back to the stone age
3 Shout Mercy
4 Out Of This World
5 Wall Of Sound
6 Hell or halluja


traduzione in Italiano qui



BraveWords.com sources can confirm that early reports indicate that KISS and MÖTLEY CRÜE will join forces for an extensive tour in fall 2012. It's expected that Mötley Crüe will support KISS on this trek, in support of their forthcoming studio album, Monster. Stay tuned for complete details!!


Sembra che quanto antizpato giorni fa possa diventare realtà: KISS e MÖTLEY CRÜE in tour insieme!! A presto per aggiornamenti!!



Paul Stanley checks in from the studio “two days from finished with this album.”

“It’s awesome… by far the best thing we’ve done in I don’t know how long. Have I said that before? Yeah. Was I right? Yeah! I’m right this time again!”


Paul stanley a due giorni dall utlimazione di "Monster":

"E' fantastico...è la milgiore cosa che abbimao fatto in non so quanto tempo. L'ho già detto altre volte? Si. Avevo ragione? Si! Ho ragione anche questa volta!"

KISS Tour 2012



A new Gene's interview has been posted on consequenceofsound.com.

About "Monster" album and tour: "We’re holding up releasing it, because there’s a tour that starts next summer. It’s going to be a worldwide tour that will last… oh, I don’t know, a year-and-a-half or so. We’re holding out and releasing it later to coincide with the tour, along with a ten-hour DVD, as well as a four-foot high book. It’s literally four feet high."


In una nuova intervista su consequenceofsound.com Gene conferma che Monster uscirà in estate prima dell'inizio del nuovo tour mondiale che durerà circa un anno e mezzo. In contemporanea all'uscita dell'album verrà pubblicato un mega libro ed un DVD della durata di 10 ore!!



DeuceNews friend and great KISS fan Cassius Morris from Creatures Of The Net's conducted an exclusive live video chat with Eric Singer we already reported the other day. Here below the whole thing up on youtube. Some highlights related to "Monster":
The album will be done by Friday, Jan. 6

Soundwise the album will be similar to "Revenge"
Both Eric and Tommy will sing lead, one song each
The drum sound on the album will be "heavier" then the one on Sonic Boom
Gene's bass playing is in the mood of the early KISS days.


Ecco l'intervista completa ad Eric Singer condotta da Cassius Morris di Creatures Of The Net, amico di DeuceNews e grandissimo KISS fan, della quale vi abbiamo riportato giorni fa. Alcune note su "Monster":

L'album sarà finito per venerdì 6 Gennaio

Il suono sarà simile a quello di "Revenge"
Sia Eric che Tommy cantano in un pezzo a testa
Il suono della batteria sarà più duro e potente che in  Sonic Boom
Gene è tornato a suonare il basso con il suo tipico stile dei primi anni '70.




Recently Eric Singer chatted with young KISS fan Cassius Morris and while talking about Monster recordings he revealed that drums on the album are way heavier than on Sonic Boom and that the songs really do sound more like Revenge, they'll be done with the album by this Friday.

Also Gene Simmons referred to Monster from his site the other day:"...I have to run into the studio with Paul to finish a vocal on the forthcoming KISS studio album."

2012 will be a KISS year!! Monster is set for release May, June this year.

All Monster news here


Recentemente Eric Singer ha rivelato durante una chat sul web con il giovane KISS fan Cassius Morris che le batterie su Monster saranno decisamente più pesanti che su Sonic Boom e che i pezzi sono molti simili a quanto inciso su Revenge. Entro questo venerdì verranno terminate le sessioni di registrazione del nuovo album atteso per Maggio, Giugno di quest'anno. Anche Gene Simmons due giorni fa dal suo sito annunciava che sarà in qusti giorni in studio con Paul per finire le ultime perti vocali dell'album.

Il 2012 sarà sicuramente un KISS anno!!

Tutti i Monster aggiornamenti qui

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If you like what you see and if you wish to help me improving this webzine-Thanks